1. Simplicity is the key to success. Always keep what we do simple. When complicated repeat, eliminate to make it simple thus incomprehensible becomes understandable.

2. Focus is simplicity at its best. Ask not what you should do with more but less. The less you do the more focus you have the better you do and the easier to attain success.

3. First lesson; take responsibility. Responsibility is the beginning of everything because growth is the end of everything we do. You grow on taking responsibility because you learn from mistakes and without responsibility you don’t have mistake, then you never learn or grow.

4. Humility is where we gain wisdom in knowledge and listening is where we gain knowledge in information. Humility opens us up while listening enlightens, that’s the key to communication. Communication is the force behind all what we do.
虛懷使我們從知識中獲得智慧,而傾聽則是讓我們從資訊中獲得知識的途徑。虛懷使我們開放而傾聽使我們頭腦發亮,這才是溝通的關鍵。 溝通是我們工作背後的力量。

5. Truth is the greatest power and honesty is the best policy. Truth inspires trust, trust respect. Honest inspires confidence, confidence loyalty. Together they make the best motivator.

6. Everything we do should be solution to problem, not just doing something. Something doesn’t add value, only solution to problem adds value. If customer finds our article boring or taxing, it’s our job to solve these problems for him.

7. Customer’s problem is the guide of what we do. When sitting down for meeting we first ask; what problem we’re sitting down for? Then ask; does this problem relate to our customer? If not, this meeting should not be held at all, because problem unrelated to our customer is not important and doesn’t need a meeting to address it.

8. Freshness is what sells our product. Innovation is what makes our product fresh. We should always, innovate to keep our product fresh through trial and errors. Innovation is not created out of recycling our knowledge but in discovering new ones, and discovery can only be made through trial and error process.

9. Every mistake we correct or problem we solve is a step we take forward. We improve or progress on our mistake and problem. It’s important that we always find out what’s wrong with us, face up to it and correct it. Mistake and problem are our treasures because improvement and progress are our only goals.

10. Human resource is our greatest resource, and time is the greatest resource of human activity. Waste time we waste human resource, so we must be very stingy with our time. We should be prepared for our meetings. Time management is our most important management.

@@: 有人說肥佬黎總是變來變去,我倒覺得他的經營理念始終貫徹不二,這篇可以為証。自覺翻譯滿意,他日蘋果撈不下去,可轉行到出版社翻中文去也。

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